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Hi I am Nila Rajkumar, the Chief Marketing Officer of the kidzrw. I get new users to the site and make sure the the users are happy. I also make ads, and my job is fun, just like the kidzrw is fun.
Being the programmer for the KidzRW, it has allowed me to use my programming skills to a good purpose and learn to work together as a team. I also think it is rare to find a company that is not only for kids, but is also founded and built by kids.
My role is to review the graphics, add new features to the Kidzrw, and help with the site design. I like that the website is dedicated for kids to share their thoughts. Being the a graphic designer has allowed me to express my thoughts on how the website looks.
When we first started the kidzRW I noticed that the website looked really bland, so I gave my ideas and all of a sudden, the website was not bland at all! The KidzRW has given me chance to use my ideas and be creative.